Registration Dates and Locations
REA 1-Day Course
The Confined Space Basic Skills Course
A Confined Space is one that is enclosed or partially enclosed, and where a hazardous atmosphere may be encountered, presenting a risk to persons entering the space. While the confined space hazards and proper safety practices have been understood for decades, there continue to be many confined space deaths annually in North America.
You will gain knowledge of:
Key confined space regulatory requirements
The key hazards associated with work in confined spaces
The use and operation of confined space safety equipment
The use of entry plans, rescue plans, and work permits to facilitate safe entry and work in confined spaces
Module 1 - Introduction
Module 2 - Confined Space Hazards
Module 3 - Confined Space Safe Work Practices
If you are a worker whose job description requires you to enter confined spaces, act as a standby attendant, or perform basic emergency extractions, then this course is for you. This course is also useful for Supervisors of personnel who enter confined spaces.
Public: $299 Plus Tax
In-House: Please contact us