Registration Dates and Locations
February 17, 2023 (video conference)
REA 1-Day Course
Indoor Air Quality Dynamics and Evaluation
This course has been designed to a) familiarize participants with health effects caused by various agents typically known to cause indoor air quality concerns including moulds, and b) provide an understanding of the various methods available for the assessment of indoor air quality and mould issues, and strategies to control them.
You will gain knowledge of:
Typical building occupant complaints and possible causes
Regulatory framework "supporting" indoor air quality issues
Operation of instruments used in indoor air quality assessments and the interpretation of data generated by those instruments
Strategies for the control of typical indoor air quality concerns, and mould abatement practices
If you work as a property managers, facility operators, maintenance managers, or are generally interested in indoor air quality issues, then this course is for you.
Public: $495 Plus Tax
In-House: Please contact us